Friday, September 20, 2013

Helium baloons?

Releasing Helium Balloons
Materials needed:

1) Large balloons
2) Helium, available in small canisters from many welding supply houses or large novelty companies. Many schools also keep helium on hand, to fill balloons.
4) Sealable plastic bags
5) Fishing line or polyester twine (not cotton twine)


1) Fill five balloons with helium to about the size of a basketball.
2) Tie the balloon nozzles shut with fishing line, and tie the nozzles of the balloons together to form a cluster.
3) Write on a piece of paper: "If found, please contact (insert your school's name and address here) to (teacher's name here) with your location, and the date you found it. Thank you for helping us with our science project."
4) Place the note in a sealable bag and tie the bag to the balloons.
5) Release the balloons into the sky. Record the date. Make more than one cluster and release several on the same day.

Use this project to demonstrate how air currents travel in the upper atmosphere. Mention that a class in England released balloons in 2006 and that the balloons touched down in Poland. Explain how air currents can carry objects, e.g., volcanic ash, around the globe.

Now yes, this project is pretty cool but, i just want to let everyone know about the negative effects this project can do on the environment. Helium is no bueno for the environment!!!!

That was my little note for all you people out there worried about the Ozone. :)


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